Have Your Diploma Course Accredited

The IFA offer accreditation of diploma courses for those who don’t want to change the way in which they operate but do want to:

  • Display the IFA seal of endorsement on their diploma certificates
  • Use the IFA Associate School quality mark on their website
  • Listing on the IFA website and gain referrals
  • Have in-place a governing body that supports you with teaching aids, specialist guidelines, 25 + free webinars, research hub, discounted suppliers throughout your course delivery
  • Importantly, your graduates to have IFA PSA accredited status and certification on completion of your course, referred to by the NHS, providing them with excellent career prospects which can form part of your marketing campaign

Approved status means you will be listed as an IFA Associate School. Each student on completion of your course, will automatically be eligible to receive the IFA PSA Associate certificate, listing on PSA accredited register and enamel badge. The full list of benefits can be found here

Registration process

For those who already have course accreditation in place with another awarding body to a Level 3 or above e.g., CFA, ITEC, NAHA, VTCT, please complete the registration form below and provide evidence of accreditation in place (e.g., provide website link to the awarding body website where your course is displayed or provide copy of course accreditation certificate).

For those who don't already have accreditation of their course in place please provide:

  • Course specifications: curriculum contents (including list of essential oils and carrier oils), methods of delivery, details of assessment criteria so that we may map it against level descriptors
  • Teacher qualifications
  • Teacher Insurance, if applicable to the rules of your country of operation

Please note we do not accredit courses under the equivalent of a level 3 as a school. If a course is below a level 3, we will advise to apply for CPD accreditation. To gain an idea of what qualifies as a level 3 please see link to the Aromatherapy Core Curriculum, which outlines the fundamental assessment methods and learning outcome descriptors to practice aromatherapy in the UK.

Associate School registration is £150.00 per annum and £70.00 associate membership per annum for the teacher(s). Dependent on what time of year you join initially, we calculate the fee from joining month to the end of the following year (12 months minimum) and in line with the IFA's accounting year (January - December). Each Associate School will receive a certificate with their accreditation period printed. 

Associate Centre Application FormDownload.png